Son Shine Coons
Maine Coon Cattery
Georgia Maine Coon Breeder
Son Shine Family Farm
In 2023, The Hightower Family grew the farm and officially established Son Shine Family Farm!
Craig had been working on his argument to have chickens for quite some time. Every few weeks we make 345+ pounds of raw food for the cats and dogs and each batch uses 156+ eggs. Chickens would give us eggs so we would spend less on raw food! Have you had chickens? Here's a little tip- having chickens for eggs is NOT cheaper than buying eggs. BUT, the joy that those chickens bring and knowing exactly where those eggs came from are definitely a perk!
So in February we get some chickens! Well, if we're going to get chickens, we need a few Silkies! They're adorable and everything you read talks about how sweet they are! First we got 3 Silkie chickens, then 3 more, then 11 more, and then a few adults that needed homes, followed by more chicks, and some more adults. Houston, we have a problem! A chicken math problem! We very quickly realized a passion for the breed and desire to have fluffy chickens by the baskets! We now strive to produce Silkies as close to the SOP (Standards Of Perfection) in a variety of colors ass well as Showgirls and Satins. For more information about our Silkies, visit our Silkie Page!
When you have chickens and an abundance of chickens to find homes for, you start joining farm groups on Social Media. While in said groups, you see LOTS of farm animals. We already have two handsome horses and 4 adorable Nigerian Dwarf goats. We don't have room for cows (YET!) and don't really want pigs right now. Rabbits! Lots and lots of adorable rabbits were being shared. Danielle bred Polish Dwarf rabbits when she was a teenager and while she always loved and wanted Holland Lops, it never happened. After weeks of poor Craig being shown adorable bunny pictures and consistently saying "go get it", we finally did! In June we added our first 3 Holland Lops to the farm and everyBUNNY loved them! We created a breeding plan and added a few more amazing additions. We are now breeding Holland Lops with a small herd focused on Vienna lines as well as a small clean line Tricolor program. To find out more about our Holland Lops, visit our Rabbity Page!